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Our Vision

Our vision is to see one million souls in fellowship worldwide.

Our Mission

Our mission is to start 100 movements in 100 nations.


Our Story

The Beginnings

It was a Saturday night in 2010, in the city of Rancho Cucamonga, Ca., at a special prayer and worship service in the 'Old Stone' Methodist Church. A place our church used to rent when we were first getting started when the Lord impressed upon us, a young fledgling church, to accept a call to go and plant churches in the nations. Our brand new tiny church of less than 20 members at the time responded in faith and a special offering for missions was taken up along with a list of nations to go too. It was a glorious time to say the least.


Soon the Rancho Cucamonga Church moved to the next city over and was renamed The Gathering of the Inland Valley. The list of nations continued to grow steadily as the Lord would reveal burdens during our times of intercession for certain places. Out of our times of prayer and fasting together the Apostolic Vision of planting 200 churches in 100 nations was birthed and now has been expanded to birthing 100 movements in 100 nations.

As the work of the Church of Jesus Christ continues to this day, it is our joyous privilege to partner with Him to fulfill His commands for world evangelization. At The Sending Place we are blessed to be in partnership with the Body of Christ knowing that together we are helping to bring to completion what God started through His beloved Son. It is truly an honor to be a part of bringing Jesus' apostolic vision to completion.


The Sending Place and it's vision was birthed out of a response to Jesus' final commands to go and make disciples of all nations~Matthew 28:16-19

Who We Are

We are a missions organization committed to fulfilling our mandate in doing our part of the great commission from Matt 28. We are bible based, Christ centered, evangelistic, missional, and a spirit empowered Christian Missions Organization.

The Lord has called us to raise up leaders in all strata of the Body of Christ. We are committed to equip and send out prepared workers into the white fields of harvest around the earth. Our aim is to send out missionaries, church planters, intercessors and manifold ministers of Christ to serve on teams with the purpose to advance Christ' Kingdom.

The heart of our work is discipleship of the nations. We are inspired by the Life of Christ, the ministry of Paul and the early missionaries of the N.T. We believe God has called everyone to 'go and preach' the gospel down the street and around the world. Where will you go?

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